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In the event that any information on this website does not conform fully with regulations in any jurisdiction, this law office will not accept representation based on that information. This website is not intended to be an advertisement or solicitation. Material contained withing this website is for general information only and does not constitute legal advice or solicitation of legal services. SHERMAN LAW SOLUTIONS PLLC website uses online forms for visitors to request information from or a consultation with SHERMAN LAW SOLUTIONS PLLC. When you fill out one of these online contact forms on the website, you may be asked to provide certain personal information including your name, e-mail, and phone number which you may voluntarily give and are not required to give. After you fill out this form, your message is automatically forwarded to SHERMAN LAW SOLUTIONS PLLC and your contact information is saved in a database. This information will be used only by SHERMAN LAW SOLUTIONS PLLC to contact you in the manner requested.